
Monarch 9860

Monarch 9860 is available, refurbished. An industrial standard, this barcode tag and label printer ships with a 90 day QuickTurn warranty and TotalReturn Refurbished* guarantee. Call or click – Tell us what you need. (If available new, request a new to refurbished comparison).

– Print language: MLI

– Resolution (dots per inch): 203

– Communication: Serial, Parallel, USB, Ethernet

– Label Handling: Cutter, Stacker

Is this an addition to other legacy barcode printers? Maintain or recondition them with QuickTurn Repair. When it’s time to upgrade, your old equipment is a down payment for next generation technology.

*30 Day, No-Questions-Asked, Full Refund

Need a repair of this product? Get an RMA and we'll get you back up and running.


The Monarch 9860 Bar Code Ticketing System starts with the Monarch 9860 printer. It features best-in-class sub-second imaging time due to its 150 MHz processor, long ribbon and supply rolls for fewer stops to reload, and the ability to print clear, crisp hang tags up to 12 mils thickness. In addition, you get an integrated heavy-duty knife that cuts 12 mil tags at up to 8 inches per second. Fast imaging and cutting increases your productivity. The knife also cuts up to 10 million tags before you have to change it. Fewer knife changes save you money.